Improve Poor Posture with Chiropractic

Good posture is important for avoiding back pain and injury. It helps with your mood, self-confidence, health, and the way that others perceive you. In addition, standing up straight ensures your organs are healthy and can help fight signs of aging.

Whether you are experiencing shoulder or back pain or simply want to have better posture, a chiropractor can help. We'll go over some of the many ways that a chiropractor can help you avoid bad posture in the future.

Asking Questions

When you visit a chiropractor, one of the first things they will do is ask you questions. This gives them insight into your lifestyle and posture.

This step is essential because it lets the chiropractor decide whether your posture is bad, what effects it might be causing, and how it can start to be fixed.

The questions asked by the chiropractor will vary but might include things about your exercise habits, your day-to-day lifestyle, what kind of work you do, and what areas of your body are experiencing discomfort or pain.

Assessing Your Posture

The next step is a hands-on process of looking at your posture. The assessment earlier might have given them a chance to determine why you have issues with posture, but this exam assesses what is going wrong.

After a chiropractor is aware of what is causing your posture problems, that gives them the insight needed to fix it.

The chiropractor will view how you stand from the sides and behind while taking note of things like a twisted pelvis, uneven shoulders, or an arched back.

Creating Adjustments

If you've never had a back adjustment, you might have a preconceived notion of what it's like. For example, the term might bring to mind a chiropractor putting extreme pressure on your back to make gunshot-loud cracking noises.

Adjustments don't have to be frightening. Most of them are very gentle and cause no discomfort. Your chiropractor will first make adjustments to your shoulders while getting you into the best possible position for better posture.

The adjustments to your joints will create movement in those areas. This can help to reduce tension in the nearby muscles and place you in a good posture position without any pain.

Dealing With Tissue

Many people believe that chiropractors mainly work on bones, such as the spine, but they also work with muscle. This is important when helping you get to the best posture possible.

Sometimes, muscles can be injured, become weak, or be underused. When this occurs, other muscles will become tight or tense because of this. All of these things lead to the shoulders or spine being pulled into an unhealthy position.

The chiropractor will do muscle-strengthening and release exercises to help rebalance your tissues. Exercise and rehabilitation can make it more comfortable to sit and stand with good posture.

Rehab and Stretching

Adding strength to weak muscles only works if you minimize the muscles' tension that creates poor posture.

The use of muscle relaxation, exercises, and stretches will ensure that the muscles you overuse have the chance to take a break. This helps ease tension to avoid bad posture while letting your weaker muscles get even stronger.

Chiropractic Care in Florida

At Florida Key Chiropractic, we focus on helping you with pain, posture, and other issues that originate in the bones and muscles. We can help you create optimal posture by manipulating your muscles to work in a better way. When you're ready to stand straight and tall, get in touch with us for more information. Dr. Darold Leto is known for being one of the best Key West chiropractors. Dr. Leto offers adjustments and all other types of chiropractic services. He is one of the best Key West doctors. Get started today by giving us a call or visiting our website. 

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I was very impressed with the chiropractic care I received from Dr. Anderson. I had received chiropractic in the past for my neck pain, but not to this level of care. After only a few sessions, my symptoms began to disappear, especially my neck pain, and I know I would not have been able to perform to my everyday work functions without the treatment I received."
    Neck Pain
  • "I have benefitted tremendously from the chiropractic care I received from Dr. Anderson. Not only has the adjustments helped alleviate my stiffness and aches, but it has helped me have more energy and just feel more balanced over all. A few months ago, I was able to resume a favorite hobby of mine: golf. Due to my previous pain, I never thought that’d be possible."
    Back Pain
  • "Dr. Anderson has allowed me to be headache free for quite some time now. I used to have daily nagging headaches that often would turn into a migraine leaving me unable to function. For the longest time, I thought I could just keep taking medication to have the pain subside."

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