Managing Chronic Pain - 5 Tips

Chronic pain can take an active life, and turn it into an inactive one very quickly. Most of us experience pain at one point or another, but when the pain gets to the chronic state, what’s the best way to manage it?

You may have learned that meditation helps calm the mind, but along with that is the added benefit of your body relaxing too. A relaxed body may help ease pain, thanks to allowing tightness and tension to slowly leave your muscles. There are plenty of ways to meditate, but the soothing power that comes with repetition is known to be particularly helpful. Paying attention to your breathing, shutting down recurring thoughts, and repeating a phrase, or a word encourages your body to relax. 

Another great way to relax is with deep breathing exercises. The best way to do this is in a quiet place, with your body in a comfortable position. Clear your mind, and commit to working on blocking out any distracting thoughts as they occur. Imagine a spot near your belly button and funnel your breath into that spot. Fill your abdomen with as much air as you’re able, and slowly let the air out. Picture a balloon slowly deflating as you exhale. 

When someone says, “It’s all in your head”, they could be on to something. The negative feelings that come along with anxiety and depression can increase your stress levels, and stress intensifies chronic pain. Anger has also been shown to increase your body’s sensitivity to pain. When you learn to control stress, you may be also helping to relieve some of that chronic pain. 

You can promote relaxation with music that soothes you. Music that calms your body can also lift your mood, which can help lessen chronic pain. You can even find CDs specifically designed for relaxation. Guided imagery, also called mental imagery relaxation, is built for mental escape, and increased feelings of peace. Guided imagery involves creating images in your mind that you find calming, and can lead to full-body Zen. 

Endorphins created from exercise have also been shown to help relieve chronic pain. Endorphins block pain signals, and the exercise that produces them also helps strengthen your muscles at the same time. Stronger muscles help prevent increased injury and the additional pain that comes along with that injury. Increased exercise can help control weight, which reduces your risk of heart disease, and helps control blood sugar levels; which is even more important if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes. 

Reducing your alcohol intake can help with chronic pain too. Some people mistakenly believe that alcohol helps them sleep. The truth is, alcohol can make sleep problems even worse. Drinking less can improve your quality of life overall, not just when you’re asleep. Pain already makes sleeping more difficult, so consider drinking less, or abstaining altogether, to reap the benefits of a good night’s sleep. 

Chronic pain can seem overwhelming at times. Work with your healthcare team to design a plan that helps you relax, stay fit, and get proper rest. A healthy mind and body are key to managing chronic pain. 

Visit Dr. Leto for your chiropractor needs in Key West! Darold Leto Chiropractic is one of the best doctors in Key West to help with your back and neck pain. Visit today to make an appointment for your chronic pain or even a check-up!

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